Tote bags made of different materials

Column:Tips Time:2021-03-01

While every tote bag can be useful, each type of material has distinctive characteristics that set them apart from one another. If you plan on using your bags to carry clothes to and from the laundromat every week, you'll want a tote that's durable and won't lock in smelly odors. On the other hand, if you rarely use your tote bags, it might be best to pick one that's easy to store away without fear of wrinkles.

It's also important to note, even though tote bags are eco-friendly, different materials may be manufactured in non-eco-friendly processes. Regardless, no matter what material you choose, it's still more beneficial to the environment to use totes over plastic bags. Ultimately, your reason for choosing the tote bag will determine which type of material you should use.

Not sure which material to choose? Check out the advantages and disadvantages of the different tote materials in this handy chart!
