Characteristics of cork fabric

Column:Tips Time:2021-11-01

Cork fabric, also known as cork skin or cork leather, is a high quality, natural fabric produced from thin cork shavings obtained directly from the bark of the cork oak tree. We believe cork fabric is the perfect alternative to animal leather, because the innovative characteristics of cork fabric are unique.

1. Natural: Obtained directly from the bark of the cork oak tree, having physical and chemical properties that have never been recreated by a man-made process.
2. Ecological
: The cork oak tree has the ability to regenerate it’s bark. This allows for the removal of the bark (the cork) without causing any damage to the tree itself.
3. Durable: To prevent staining, the cork fabric is protected with a fabric protection spray. In terms of durability, cork fabric wears similarly to leather which is another reason this cork fabric is often called Cork Leather.
4. Light: Cork is a very light raw material, weighing just 0.16 grams per cubic centimetre, and can float.
5. Waterproof: The natural qualities of cork, reinforced by a series of specific treatments in the manufacturing process, allows for cork fabric based products such as umbrellas, raincoats, garments, and fashion accessories.
6. Dust and dirt repellent: Through careful coating of the natural surface, the finished product is fully dust, dirt, and grease repellent and stain resistant.
7. Multiple backing support: A broad range of backings are available; from various textile varieties to paper, cardboard, nylon, and PVC.
8. Stable: It’s chemical and physical structure allow for amazing wear resistance. It maintains excellent degradation ratings when exposed to acid and is almost immune to micro-organisms.
9. Hypoallergenic: Due to extremely low surface dust absorption, it is immune to micro-organism proliferation such as mites.
